Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Stories Told on Film different?

At Stories Told on Film we specialize in the art of witnessing, capturing your most cherished stories with care and artistry. Our approach honors your unique pace, allowing your story to unfold naturally and authentically.

We are also a cause-based company Weaving Profit with Purpose:  A percentage of the proceeds from client films go towards producing films and community events that shine a compassionate light on the issues of our time, awakening empathy, mindful activism, and our collective longing to belong through the power of story.

What do I need most for the filming process?

Curiosity and an open mind.  Bring them both.  cool

How does remote filming work?

Remote filming results are beautiful and have allowed us to film clients from around the world.

We record on two devices:  Zoom and the client’s smart phone.   You’ll have a virtual consultation to help set up your background, lighting, smart phone, sound check, etc.  We’ll conduct a test run and make sure that you are comfortable with everything for the day of filming.

What if I'm camera shy?

The most common barrier is the thought of being in front of the lens.  However, the most common statement after being filmed is… “That was such a beautiful and gentle process…”

For whatever reason you are called to sit in front of the lens, simply enjoy!  Drop all assumptions, preconceived ideas, or unease you may have about being prepared.  There is no story to script.  There is no ‘practice makes perfect‘.  Allow me to put you perfectly at ease over a complimentary virtual tea.

What can I expect during my complimentary Discovery Call?

Dip your toe into the water over a virtual pot of tea, where we will explore your purpose and possibilities for your story.

How do you fit important life stories into a short film?

You may sit in front of the lens for an hour or more, pondering your story while the camera rolls.  At some point, you enter the slipstream where the telling becomes effortless.  Often the most powerful moments are those captured between words.  An entire story in a grain of sand.  The art is in the ability to distill a story down to its pure essence.  And of course…you can schedule several sittings to  capture more stories.

What if I don't know where to begin or what I'd like to speak about?

Many arrive with a hundred ideas yet not sure where to begin.  The Art of Witnessing process allows you to speak your way into your emerging story.

What is involved in the editing process?

This is where the magic happens and is the most labour-intensive part of producing your film.  The raw capture is viewed many times over, observing the rhythm, mindfully noting the epiphanies and watershed moments.  Often the most powerful moments are those captured between words.  The film is distilled down to the bare essence, revealing pure wisdom, drawing the listener closer, hanging onto every word uttered.

Then there is the additional technical aspect:

Logging Raw Video

  • Review all the raw video that was shot
  • Transcribe sound bites from video (if necessary)

Video Edit

  • Edit video (colour correcting / audio)
  • Add relevant titles and text
  • Preview video is provided to customer for viewing
  • Minor changes are discussed by phone, changes requested by client are made


  • Digital files are created
How long does the post-production process take?

It depends upon the scope of the project.  Projects can be turned around in 1 to 4 weeks on average.  Some small projects have been turned around in a few days.  

How much does it cost to produce a video?

Once again, it depends.  Each project is custom-produced and custom-quoted.  I invite you to a free virtual consultation to explore your project and budget.

I want to get started, what's the process?


Once you sign off on the proposal we can get started.

Step 1: Consultation

We will explore your purpose and possibilities and uncover the watershed moments.  We’ll cover how to prepare for the day of filming and what to expect, whether filming remotely or on-site.  Don’t worry about remembering everything, you’ll receive a cheat sheet on how the process unfolds, what to expect and what to wear for in front of the camera.

Step 2:  Filming

Together we create a still and tranquil space that allows you to move your attention away from the camera and mindfully towards your emerging story.  We can craft prompts for you based on your purpose.

Step 3:  Post-Production

Like a tapestry, we begin to weave the story, video, voiceover, and music, slowly stripping away the inessentials until all that remains are the golden strands of wisdom, transforming the ordinary story into the extraordinary, from time-bound to time-less.

Step 4:  Preview

You will receive a password-protected link to preview your film and offer feedback for minor edits.

Step 5:  Finalize

Once signed off, you will receive a private link to download your film.

What if I want more than the minor edits as outlined in my proposal?

Editing time beyond what is contracted for is billed at $70 per hour fee.

Can I hire you to film my parents or grandparents?

Yes indeed!  Our film sessions are conducted in a caring, comfortable, supportive and engaging manner that elicits deep wisdom and treasured memories.  

Can I use any song for my film?

The music industry aggressively purses copyright infringements; therefore, I only work with royalty-free music, and finding the perfect music is included in the editing process.

Do I get the raw footage?

We do not release raw footage to the client (it’s part of how we keep the cost of the finished product affordable).  However, we store all raw footage in our archive for at least two years, so it’s always accessible if you’d like to develop a new project or adjust the original.

What colour clothing is suitable to wear when being filmed?

The color of the wardrobe may appear as a minor item, but it does add a lot of value to the video production. Choose clothing that brings out your personality and compliments your skin tone.  If it is for a professional project, choose clothing that is consistent with your branding.

As a general rule, solid and rich colors look best on video and film. Avoid wearing bright white which can dominate the screen. Safer colours are also light beige, light grey or very pale colors.

Avoid wearing silk.  Wearing a scarf is fine. Usually, only your face and shoulders will be in the viewfinder.

If filming in black & white, avoid wearing bright white or black.  Solid colours are also best.

Is it safe to film during Covid-19?

We established two ways to film safely and effectively during the 2020 pandemic.

  1. Filming outdoors at a safe distance with a wireless mic.
  2. Filming remotely.
When should I start thinking about leaving a legacy?

It is never too early to begin.  Wouldn’t you love to share your stories and wisdom now with your niece or nephew, children or grandchildren…and have them share it with theirs?  A story told to your child today, may offer wisdom for their teenage years.  The possibilities are endless.

Are you present enough to hear the soft whispers of your heart, and feel the pull along the path of your own becoming.