Kim has a gift of seeing someone and has artfully demonstrated that in the way she has seen you on film. The black and white medium is perfect – allowing the indescribable beauty of the human portrait to quietly, steadfastly and passionately speak the poetry of themself. Beautiful in so many ways.

Bill Israel, Facilitator
Intensive Journal Program

I love working with Kim.  She is more than a videographer, she is a midwife of stories.

Jessie Sutherland, Founder
Intercultural Strategies

Kim has a beautiful way of being present and providing an attentive ear. I was very nervous about the process, but she did a wonderful job of describing the experience and how it might unfold. There was no pressure, and she patiently gave me time to find myself and express the story I was to tell.  A conversation with this woman is a gift unto itself. Through this process, I was able to draw conclusions and recognize patterns that had previously eluded me. Such a lovely way to find aspects of your innermost self and lived experience.


Your films are so personal and tender.  Simply this direct revealing of myself.  I feel that in some indefinable way.  I have been launched towards a new way of being with myself.  The use of black and white strikes at what is essential, and lays bare an essential beingness that I experienced as thoughtful, authentic, and revealing.

There is an opportunity in the work you create, for anyone to sit with you and your camera, and open themselves to your unique mirror and in the subsequent intimacy with themselves as they view your finished work, come to see and experience themselves in a very different way. Thank you Kim for this beautiful gift.

Gene Furbee, Psychotherapist + Laughing Yog Facilitator
Victoria, BC

Stories Told on Film, under the thoughtful creation of Kim Holl, enabled us to premier a powerful film, SOS Inspiring the Future, at our 55th Anniversary Legacy Concert, providing an impactful portrayal of what SOS means to our community’s children and youth.  Film:

Susanna Newton, Executive Director
SOS, Nanaimo, BC

The story you know in your heart and feel in your bones, is the one Kim helps you find and tell. Working with her is truly one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. Kim’s gifts of film may be in the editing room but her gift to find and help bring out the story is in the magic of her collaborative nature.

Kathleen Arnason, Writer
Author, The Gimli Huldufolk & the Secret Lore

Kim and Stories Told on Film were a genuine pleasure to work with on a project that made a meaningful impact to all those involved.  Kim’s ability to translate my vision for the film into reality was more than I could have imagined, delivering a message that will live on for generations to come.

Gloria Steward

The film held such power for me, not only as a vehicle for re-living some precious, though painful moments, but as a journey through my experience of loss. You did such a masterful job in putting the pieces together and I am very grateful to you.

Harrison Voigt, Psychologist
Mill Valley, CA

It has been a joy to work with Kim on Nest Well, a film series about innovative housing.  Her gentle, curious nature, and soulful Irish storytelling genius have made the films compelling and beautiful.  She has a talent for putting people at ease and coaxing out poignant transformational stories. 

Dr. Robin Hood
Centre for Earth + Spirit, Victoria, BC

Rarely is a story so complex captured with such beauty.  You have caught the essence of my soul.

Roger Hanson,  The Seahorse Whisperer
Ocean Advocate + Citizen Scientist, Long Beach, CA

What an extraordinary experience to sit in front of your lens. It is as though I am seeing inside of myself and it’s a blow-me-away experience! You have captured me in a way that no one has before. I cannot say how much it means to me that you captured my frustration, my joy, my sorrow and my loving determination all in one short film.

Sarah Kendall, Author of Let Me Show You Chocolate Lillies
Victoria, BC

Inner Expedition

Kim’s magic with a camera captures the heart and soul of a person like I have never seen before. Her patience and softness creates a space that allows for deep contemplation. Absolutely remarkable, an experience that every person should have in their lifetime.  I will honour this forever, watch often and ponder another film one day.

Victoria, BC

Inner Expedition

Working with Kim was wonderful experience.  She is patient, kindhearted and makes you feel very comfortable in front of the camera.  She created a beautiful video of our journey living with SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency).  Thank you im for capturing our story!

Dawn Shirley
Nanaimo, BC

Inner Expedition

The embodiment of witnessing and holding space. A soft, steady gaze; fearlessly open to whatever I had to offer. Kim’s approach gave me permission to blunder, to stumble through and into possibilities, and the longings of my heart.

Thank you, Kim, for allowing my heart to astonish my mind. This time together, your creation of the finished film; breathtaking. Somehow, this experience has opened a door unto myself.

Vernon, BC

Inner Expedition

Kim has a very soothing nature that invites you deeply into story. She asked me a simple question and then left me to expand in my own terms. She had no direction to go, no motive to push, no spin she wanted to create out of my story. She wanted to hear me, know me, and learn about what I had to share.  My experience sitting with Kim was the most enjoyable time on film yet!

Ashley Arnold, Founder
Jade Scuba Adventures, Long Beach, CA

Inner Expedition

I sorely needed the reminder that there is a more of ‘me’ for when I break the surly bonds of my immediate orbit of Covid. The accountability I feel due to your filming and the energy I draw from your creativity is inviting the birth of the oldest, new artist on earth. I’m curious to see where this takes me.

Jeri Oliver
Minneapolis, MN