The Experience + The Art of Witnessing

Creating a Safe Space for Exploration – Grounded in the art of witnessing, I craft an environment where you can gently journey into your inner landscape, tapping into your deep well of wisdom while accessing creativity and wonder. This space invites you to breathe deeply, allowing your natural curiosity and imagination to unfold.

Letting Go – you will notice yourself slowly moving from speaking with words filtered through the mind, to speaking from the heart. Once you enter the flow, it is as if you are being spoken.  It is a process of letting go.  No expectations.  No judgement.  No timeline.  Just pure possibility.

Inner Knowing – Within each of us is a deep well of wisdom just waiting for us to be still enough to be noticed.

The Silence Between Words – Embrace the silence that lingers.  It is often the silence between words that carry the most profound meaning and amplify your message.

The Video Camera – becomes a witness.  It does not change or distort the experience, instead it amplifies it.

Pricing + Process

Pricing:  Starting at $3,950 with a sliding scale.  Each project is custom-quoted and we try to work within each budget.

Consultation:  Unearthing ideas and preparing for the day of filming

For remote filming: Test session to perfect setup, lighting, and background

Film Session (onsite or remote):  Starting at 2 hours.  Includes set-up.  Additional hours and film sessions can be added, depending on the complexity of your story and purpose.  For instance, a short 10-minute finished film vs a multi-chapter film that captures your family history and ancestral stories.

Post-production:  Editing

Film preview: Password-protected link to view

Review:  1 Rounds of minor edits

Length of finished film:  Based on the story and project scope.


Step 1:  Unearth Your Story

Over virtual tea, we’ll explore your purpose, deepen story possibilities, uncover the watershed moments, and prepare for your day of filming.

Step 2:  Film

Enter your deep pool of wonder and gently move your attention away from the camera and towards your emerging story.

Step 3:  Edit

The final creative phase, distilling down to its pure essence.  Like a tapestry, we weave story, transitions, voice-over, and music.

The Covid pandemic forced us to pivot and find innovative solutions in the face of unprecedented circumstances.  This pivot led us to perfect the art of remote filming, allowing us to capture client stories from anywhere in the world.

We walk you through every step of the process alleviating any apprehension you may have and also ensures that the end result meets your expectations. We provide clear instructions and technical support making your experience seamless.

Remote filming is no longer a temporary solution during challenging times but has become a versatile and efficient method for those far from the madding crowd.  Our adaptation to remote filming is a testament to our resilience and commitment to delivering high-quality results in an ever-evolving landscape.

This is where the magic happens and is the most labour-intensive part of producing your film.  It involves both an intuitive and technical process.  The raw capture is viewed many times over, observing the rhythm, mindfully noting the epiphanies and watershed moments.  Often the most powerful moments are those captured between words.  The film is distilled down, unveiling profound wisdom that draws the viewer in.

Then there is the technical aspect:

  • Log raw video and transcribe sound bites from video (if necessary)
  • Edit video (colour correcting / audio enhancement)
  • Add relevant titles, text, and music
  • Prepare film preview customer for viewing
  • Minor revisions  as per client request
  • Digital files are created for the client