In the midst of a hurried life, I’ve been running as fast as I can to keep up.  Saying ‘yes’ to a multitude of creative film projects has been fruitful and rewarding.  I am truly honoured by all who have put their trust in me to catch their story.

Yet, as the leaves change colour and fall sets in, I feel the beckoning for stillness, to pay homage to the changing season, to acknowledge the gifts that have emerged and to become mindful of the journey forward.  A time to replenish, restore and reimagine.

During this pause, I have also immersed myself in a 3-month program:  Business 4 Social Good.  In the company of like-minded creative entrepreneurs, our focus is how to incorporate making a profit with purpose.

As you may know, a percentage of the proceeds from each film produced by Life Through the Lens goes to support our social impact project:  No Ordinary Story where we cast a light on the issues of our time, awakening empathy, activism, and our collective longing to belong.

My hope is to bring more stories to life in the coming year.  And now, I offer our new release, a story told by Lina de Guevera.

Victor Jara:  A Latin American Tragedy

We are honoured to turn our lens towards Lina de Guevara, whose decades old story is as important and as relevant today as it was during the 1973 Chilean coup.

Originally from Chile, Lina is an actor, theatre director, drama teacher and storyteller extraordinaire.  As Lina says…’As storytellers, sometimes we have a dilemma.  We have a story that needs to be told, that wants to be told, but it is such a tragic story, that we hardly dare to bring it out.”

Lina has been pondering such a story for decades and now, the time is ripe for the telling.  Her hope for sharing her story is to lift the veil, to realize that what happened in Chile in 1973 could be repeated anywhere.  It is her hope that the film will foster dialogue and deep inquiry.  Thank you Lina, for sharing your vital story.