Emerging Film Project

Emerging Film Project

I have launched into a creative collaboration with Robin J Hood, a long time friend and colleague. We have the honour of capturing a vital story from Lina de Guevara, founder of Puente Theatre in Victoria. Originally from Chile, Lina is an actor, theatre director,...

Perfecting the Art of Balance and Play

Perfecting the Art of Balance and Play

Seth Godin once said 'The happiest people aren't the ones on Face Book all day, or trying to find more Twitter followers.'  As I carved out time to sit and write this newsletter, realizing it is many months overdue, Seth's words never rang so true. While my...

Stories of Resilience

Stories of Resilience

PI and SCID were acronyms that held little meaning for me until I began a story catching project with CIPO, a national non-profit offering education, support and advocacy for patients suffering from immunodeficiency. The challenge:   How to safely film patients with a...

Covid Times

Covid Times

While Covid has delivered fear, anxiety, grief and isolation for many around the world, it has also arrived with an invitation.  An invitation to reset and reimagine our lives.  For me, it has arrived with a welcomed and unexpected change, offering time to pause, to...

Nest Well

Nest Well

Nest Well is a film project commissioned by the Centre for Earth and Spirit Society designed to gather the compelling stories and lived experiences of elders who are re-inventing their aging experience, establishing creative housing alternatives that offer a more...

Emerging Film Projects

Emerging Film Projects

Life Through the Lens formally launched in January 2020 and I had my first paid Soul Story film scheduled for mid-March.  Then Covid hit and it has forced me to reimagine my business at a time when social isolation was at its peak.  Happily, it led me to a few...



Coddiwompling....I have finally stumbled upon a term that aptly fits with my preferred method for navigating life.  Even while raising my three sons, I tended to skirt the well-beaten path that offered safe and predictable outcomes.  Instead, I leaned always towards...

Seahorse Whisperer

Seahorse Whisperer

On the surface I am very C-, but under water I am Mensa. – Roger Hanson In July, I stumbled upon an intriguing article in the L.A. Times about Roger Hanson, aka the Seahorse Whisperer.  By September, I had reinstated my SCUBA ticket and was on a plane to southern...